Sunday, May 25, 2008

Seaworld, Memorial Day Weekend; 23 May 08

Last year we went to Seaworld and not thinking went on a Saturday during the hot summer months and ended up leaving after about 2 hours because it was so hot and so crowded. Since then we had planned on going back on a weekday when we knew it wasn't going to be as crowded. Knowing that the Friday before Memorial Day Weekend was a day that kids were still in school, we figured this would be a good day to go. So we both took the day off making the 3-day weekend into a 4-day weekend.

Good decision. We arrived at the park around 10 AM and just as we had hoped it wasn't that crowded, even though it was a little hot. A little bit of bad news was that during this time of the year the waterpark is only open on Saturday and Sunday. Bummer!

Upon entering the park, the first thing we did was go see the dolphins. We spent a few minutes here and was told that the next feeding wasn't until 11 AM. With this news we went over to the Sharks/Coral Reef Area and got to see alot of beautiful fish, poison dart frogs, and of course sharks and lots of coral reef.

From here we went to the hospitality area and sat down to our first beer of the day. Ok, make that two. While here we learned about the Brewmaster Club and signed up for the first session scheduled for 1 PM.

As it was about 11:30 AM and we had already decided to miss the dolphin feeding we made our way to see the Shamu show which was to start at 12 PM. Once we got there of course we decided to sit in the Wet Zone. Let me tell you, if you go to this show you must definitely sit in the Wet Zone. Be warned, if your camera isn't waterproof don't take it in this area. We did, bad camera needed. I'm still hoping that I'll be able to get the pictures off the camera some way. Did I say we got soaked? "We got soaked!"

The Brewmaster Club was definitely the highlight of our Seaworld adventure. We got to choose 4 different beers to try and we were shown how to match them to cheese, chocolate, and fruit. I never realized how good chocolate was with beer. We also learned the proper way to pour a beer in a glass. Instead of tipping the glass to the side and pouring it down the side the correct procedure is to pour the beer straight into the bottom of the glass.

We also met this couple who turned out to both be military -- Air Force. The guy (ok, don't recall their names) was on terminal leave separating after 12 years and had a current security clearance.

After the Brewmaster Club, we made our way around to see the sea lions, the penguins, and the alligators.

A great trip had -- glad that we had decided to go back and give it another chance.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Humor; Orson Wells Drunk Paul Masson Commercial

The Origin of 3-Piece Sectional

When I was stationed at Osan Air Base, South Korea as an active duty airman in the Air Force, I had the pleasure of meeting two of the best friends anyone could ever meet; Bob Orsi Jr. and Scott Russell. Also, part of our posse was a great guy that after our one year tour at Osan, we all lost track of; Alex Torrez. Anyway, while there we had rented this apartment which was located in the town outside the base, which was a really cool pad. The place was located above our landlord and we had a great view of the town, errrr benjo ditches. The thing about living off base was that the furniture that you got was odds and ends from the base that you checked out and once your assignment was over you had to return. This furniture was the most basic of furniture and our living room consisted of two wooden chairs, a coffee table, and a TV with a VCR (this was in 1992-1993; pre-DVD). Of course the TV/VCR was brought from home and we owned that. Ok, so get the picture, two wooden chairs being that the armrests were made of wood and the only non-wood part was the cushions which were made of a hard plastic. Not too comfortable.

Ok, Ok, ok...getting to the origin. One night, not too sure why, this was 16 years ago, but I found myself home early and Bob, Scott, and Alex were still out on the town living it up. Actually, I don't think Scott was there. He might have been on his mid-tour back to the states. So, I go to bed and when I wake up the next morning and walk out into the living room...there's a couch. Everyone is in bed, but being the way we were, I shouted out, "Hey, where did we get the couch?" And from another room I hear Bob shout back, "It's a 3-Piece Sectional!"

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Humor; Science Fair Gone Bad

This was received in an email titled, Science Fairs Gone Bad.